33 research outputs found

    PARCOACH: Combining static and dynamic validation of MPI collective communications

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    International audienceNowadays most scientific applications are parallelized based on MPI communications. Collective MPI communications have to be executed in the same order by all processes in their communicator and the same number of times, otherwise it is not conforming to the standard and a deadlock or other undefined behavior can occur. As soon as the control-flow involving these collective operations becomes more complex, in particular including conditionals on process ranks, ensuring the correction of such code is error-prone. We propose in this paper a static analysis to detect when such situation occurs, combined with a code transformation that prevents from deadlocking. We focus on blocking MPI collective operations in SPMD applications, assuming MPI calls are not nested in multithreaded regions. We show on several benchmarks the small impact on performance and the ease of integration of our techniques in the development process

    Analyse statique/dynamique pour la validation et l'amélioration des applications parallèles multi-modèles

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    Supercomputing plays an important role in several innovative fields, speeding up prototyping or validating scientific theories. However, supercomputers are evolving rapidly with now millions of processing units, posing the questions of their programmability. Despite the emergence of more widespread and functional parallel programming models, developing correct and effective parallel applications still remains a complex task. Although debugging solutions have emerged to address this issue, they often come with restrictions. However programming model evolutions stress the requirement for a convenient validation tool able to handle hybrid applications. Indeed as current scientific applications mainly rely on the Message Passing Interface (MPI) parallel programming model, new hardwares designed for Exascale with higher node-level parallelism clearly advocate for an MPI+X solutions with X a thread-based model such as OpenMP. But integrating two different programming models inside the same application can be error-prone leading to complex bugs - mostly detected unfortunately at runtime. In an MPI+X program not only the correctness of MPI should be ensured but also its interactions with the multi-threaded model, for example identical MPI collective operations cannot be performed by multiple nonsynchronized threads. This thesis aims at developing a combination of static and dynamic analysis to enable an early verification of hybrid HPC applications. The first pass statically verifies the thread level required by an MPI+OpenMP application and outlines execution paths leading to potential deadlocks. Thanks to this analysis, the code is selectively instrumented, displaying an error and synchronously interrupting all processes if the actual scheduling leads to a deadlock situation.L’utilisation du parallélisme des architectures actuelles dans le domaine du calcul hautes performances, oblige à recourir à différents langages parallèles. Ainsi, l’utilisation conjointe de MPI pour le parallélisme gros grain, à mémoire distribuée et OpenMP pour du parallélisme de thread, fait partie des pratiques de développement d’applications pour supercalculateurs. Des erreurs, liées à l’utilisation conjointe de ces langages de parallélisme, sont actuellement difficiles à détecter et cela limite l’écriture de codes, permettant des interactions plus poussées entre ces niveaux de parallélisme. Des outils ont été proposés afin de palier ce problème. Cependant, ces outils sont généralement focalisés sur un type de modèle et permettent une vérification dite statique (à la compilation) ou dynamique (à l’exécution). Pourtant une combinaison statique/- dynamique donnerait des informations plus pertinentes. En effet, le compilateur est en mesure de donner des informations relatives au comportement général du code, indépendamment du jeu d’entrée. C’est par exemple le cas des problèmes liés aux communications collectives du modèle MPI. Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer des analyses statiques/dynamiques permettant la vérification d’une application parallèle mélangeant plusieurs modèles de programmation, afin de diriger les développeurs vers un code parallèle multi-modèles correct et performant. La vérification se fait en deux étapes. Premièrement, de potentielles erreurs sont détectées lors de la phase de compilation. Ensuite, un test au runtime est ajouté pour savoir si le problème va réellement se produire. Grâce à ces analyses combinées, nous renvoyons des messages précis aux utilisateurs et évitons les situations de blocage

    MPI Thread-Level Checking for MPI+OpenMP Applications

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    International audienceMPI is the most widely used parallel programming model. But the reducing amount of memory per compute core tends to push MPI to be mixed with shared-memory approaches like OpenMP. In such cases, the interoperability of those two models is challenging. The MPI 2.0 standard defines the so-called thread level to indicate how MPI will interact with threads. But even if hybrid programs are more common, there is still a lack in debugging tools and more precisely in thread level compliance. To fill this gap, we propose a static analysis to verify the thread-level required by an application. This work extends PARCOACH, a GCC plugin focused on the detection of MPI collective errors in MPI and MPI+OpenMP programs. We validated our analysis on computational benchmarks and applications and measured a low overhead

    The MPI BUGS INITIATIVE: a Framework for MPI Verification Tools Evaluation

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    International audienceEnsuring the correctness of MPI programs becomes as challenging and important as achieving the best performance. Many tools have been proposed in the literature to detect incorrect usages of MPI in a given program. However, the limited set of code samples each tool provides and the lack of metadata stating the intent of each test make it difficult to assess the strengths and limitations of these tools. In this paper, we present the MPI BUGS INITIATIVE, a complete collection of MPI codes to assess the status of MPI verification tools. We introduce a classification of MPI errors and provide correct and incorrect codes covering many MPI features and our categorization of errors. The resulting suite comprises 1,668 codes, each coming with a well-formatted header that clarifies the intent of each code and specifies how to execute and evaluate it. We evaluated the completeness of the MPI BUGS INITIATIVE against eight stateof-the-art MPI verification tools

    Exécution ordonnée décentralisée d'un code séquentiel à base de tâches sur une architecture à mémoire partagée

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    Abstract:Decentralized in-order execution of a sequential task-based code for shared-memory architecturesCharly Castes, Emmanuel Agullo, Olivier Aumage, Emmanuelle SaillardProject-Teams HiePACS and STORM Research Report n° 9450 — January 2022 — 30 pagesThe hardware complexity of modern machines makes the design of adequate pro- gramming models crucial for jointly ensuring performance, portability, and productivity in high- performance computing (HPC). Sequential task-based programming models paired with advanced runtime systems allow the programmer to write a sequential algorithm independently of the hard- ware architecture in a productive and portable manner, and let a third party software layer —the runtime system— deal with the burden of scheduling a correct, parallel execution of that algorithm to ensure performance. Many HPC algorithms have successfully been implemented following this paradigm, as a testimony of its effectiveness.Developing algorithms that specifically require fine-grained tasks along this model is still considered prohibitive, however, due to per-task management overhead [1], forcing the programmer to resort to a less abstract, and hence more complex “task+X” model. We thus investigate the possibility to offer a tailored execution model, trading dynamic mapping for efficiency by using a decentralized, conservative in-order execution of the task flow, while preserving the benefits of relying on the sequential task-based programming model. We propose a formal specification of the execution model as well as a prototype implementation, which we assess on a shared-memory multicore architecture with several synthetic workloads. The results show that under the condition of a proper task mapping supplied by the programmer, the pressure on the runtime system is significantly reduced and the execution of fine-grained task flows is much more efficient

    Maximizing Communication Overlap with Dynamic Program Analysis

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    International audienceWe present a dynamic program analysis approach to optimize communication overlap in scientific applications. Our tool instruments the code to generate a trace of the application's memory and synchronization behavior. An offline analysis determines the program optimal points for maximal overlap when considering several programming constructs: nonblocking one-sided communication operations, non-blocking collectives and bespoke synchronization patterns and operations. Feedback about possible transformations is presented to the user and the tool can perform the directed transformations, which are supported by a lightweight runtime. The value of our approach comes from: 1) the ability to optimize across boundaries of software modules or libraries, while specializing for the intrinsics of the underlying communication runtime; and 2) providing upper bounds on the expected performance improvements after communication optimizations. We have reduced the time spent in communication by as much as 64% for several applications that were already aggressively optimized for overlap; this indicates that manual optimizations leave untapped performance. Although demonstrated mainly for the UPC programming language, the methodology can be easily adapted to any other communication and synchronization API

    Decentralized in-order execution of a sequential task-based code for shared-memory architectures

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    International audienceThe hardware complexity of modern machines makes the design of adequate programming models crucial for jointly ensuring performance, portability, and productivity in high-performance computing (HPC). Sequential task-based programming models paired with advanced runtime systems allow the programmer to write a sequential algorithm independently of the hardware architecture in a productive and portable manner, and let a third party software layer-the runtime system-deal with the burden of scheduling a correct, parallel execution of that algorithm to ensure performance. Many HPC algorithms have successfully been implemented following this paradigm, as a testimony of its effectiveness. Developing algorithms that specifically require fine-grained tasks along this model is still considered prohibitive, however, due to per-task management overhead [1], forcing the programmer to resort to a less abstract, and hence more complex "task+X" model. We thus investigate the possibility to offer a tailored execution model, trading dynamic mapping for efficiency by using a decentralized, conservative in-order execution of the task flow, while preserving the benefits of relying on the sequential taskbased programming model. We propose a formal specification of the execution model as well as a prototype implementation, which we assess on a shared-memory multicore architecture with several synthetic workloads. The results show that under the condition of a proper task mapping supplied by the programmer, the pressure on the runtime system is significantly reduced and the execution of fine-grained task flows is much more efficient

    Static Local Concurrency Errors Detection in MPI-RMA Programs

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    International audienceCommunications are a critical part of HPC simulations, and one of the main focuses of application developers when scaling on supercomputers. While classical message passing (also called two-sided communications) is the dominant communication paradigm, one-sided communications are often praised to be efficient to overlap communications with computations, but challenging to program. Their usage is then generally abstracted through languages and memory abstractions to ease programming (e.g. PGAS). Therefore, little work has been done to help programmers use intermediate runtime layers, such as MPI-RMA, that is often reserved to expert programmers. Indeed, programming with MPI-RMA presents several challenges that require handling the asynchronous nature of one-sided communications to ensure the proper semantics of the program while ensuring its memory consistency. To help programmers detect memory errors such as race conditions as early as possible, this paper proposes a new static analysis of MPI-RMA codes that shows to the programmer the errors that can be detected at compile time. The detection is based on a novel local concurrency errors detection algorithm that tracks accesses through BFS searches on the Control Flow Graphs of a program. We show on several tests and an MPI-RMA variant of the GUPS benchmark that the static analysis allows to detect such errors on user codes. The error codes are integrated in the MPI Bugs Initiative opensource test suite

    Learning Intermediate Representations using Graph Neural Networks for NUMA and Prefetchers Optimization

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    International audienceThere is a large space of NUMA and hardware prefetcher configurations that can significantly impact the performance of an application. Previous studies have demonstrated how a model can automatically select configurations based on the dynamic properties of the code to achieve speedups. This paper demonstrates how the static Intermediate Representation (IR) of the code can guide NUMA/prefetcher optimizations without the prohibitive cost of performance profiling. We propose a method to create a comprehensive dataset that includes a diverse set of intermediate representations along with optimum configurations. We then apply a graph neural network model in order to validate this dataset. We show that our static intermediate representation based model achieves 80% of the performance gains provided by expensive dynamic performance profiling based strategies. We further develop a hybrid model that uses both static and dynamic information. Our hybrid model achieves the same gains as the dynamic models but at a reduced cost by only profiling 30% of the programs

    A comparison of multithreading, vectorization, and GPU computing for the acceleration of cardiac electrophysiology models

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    International audienceRealistic simulation of cardiac electrophysiology requires both high resolution and computationally expensive models of membrane dynamics. Optimization of membrane models can therefore have a large impact on time, hardware, and energy usage. We tested both CPU-based and GPU-based optimization techniques for a human heart model with Ten Tusscher-Panfilov 2006 dynamics. Compared to a multithreaded code running on 64 CPU cores, the tested NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPU proved about 3 times faster. Effective use of the CPU's SIMD capabilities allowed a similar performance gain. GPU performance was bounded by the data transfer rate between GPU and main memory. Optimal SIMD use required explicit vectorization and an adapted data structure. We conclude that on mixed CPU-GPU systems the best results are obtained by optimizing both CPU and GPU code and using a runtime system that balances CPU and GPU load